Joe SC Wong Apps

食療快查 付費版 (無廣告) 5.2
Joe SC Wong
V 5.0「醫食同源,不藥而癒」本程式提供不同的食物功效,能從多個不同角度(食物、身體部位、功效)進行快速,容易,直接的搜尋,令人了解食物對身體的不同益處,並能夠找查相關的食療。* 而且, 當找尋 [ 食物 ] 的 [ 功效 ] 後, 更可從 [ 功效 ] 找出相關的 [ 食物 ]。* 更有專題食療,針對特定項目介紹相關的食物與食療。另外,此程式為收費版本,基本上這版本與免費版本差不多,以下是不同之處:(1) 新增 [ 湯水 ] - 把所有 [ 湯水 ] 項目集合在一起方便查閱。(2) 新增 [ 營養素] - 各種維他命和其他營養素對身體有什麼益處,一查便知。(3) 共有320種食物,約140種非中藥類,約180種中藥類。(4) 加入圖標,方便查閱。(5) 沒有廣告** 由於此程式並非作醫學用途,因此並不會對食物或功效作深入的解釋。若有疑問,應先向醫生查詢,以免延誤病情。※ Download to buy me a cup of teaV 5.0"Medical food source, without medication."This program provides different food effect, from a plurality ofdifferent angles (food, body parts, efficacy) for fast, easy,direct search, it is beneficial to understand the different food onthe body, and can be checked to find the relevant therapeutic.* Also, when looking for [food] of [effect], the more availablefrom the [effect] to find the relevant [food].* More topics diet, introduce the relevant food and diet for aspecific project.In addition, this program is fee-based version, this version andthe free version is basically the same, the following is thedifference between:(1) New [soup] - all the [soup] project together for easyaccess.(2) new [nutrient] - A variety of vitamins and other nutrients tothe body What are the benefits, a check at a glance.(3) A total of 320 kinds of food, about 140 kinds ofnon-traditional Chinese medicines, about 180 kinds of traditionalChinese medicines.(4) adding icons for easy access.(5) No ads** Because this program is not for medical purposes, andtherefore will not have food or efficacy of in-depth explanation.If in doubt, check with your doctor should check to avoid delays intreatment.※ Download to buy me a cup of tea
HealthMe 食療快查 9.3a
Joe SC Wong
Food as therapy - What kind of food can benefit your health?
健康快查 1.0b
Joe SC Wong
After the "Quick Inspection of Food Therapy", another sincere work,"Quick Inspection of Health".